Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Bird Project Report

For my Bird Project that I completed during the fall of 2011, I researched the Puffins. I had some difficulty in finding a project to work on. I had contacted multiple organizations, approaching them willing to help in any way possible, but was informed no help was needed. I contacted Project Puffin, and spoke with Rose Borzik, but since I currently reside in the southern part of New Jersey, I was informed that I wouldn’t be much help to their organization. I tried to then reach out to the Bald Eagle organization, hoping that with a new bird I would have more luck, but as it turns out, that was not the case, and I was turned away from them as well. The region I was assigned was the Atlantic Periphery, and it seemed that the organizations I was contacting all wanted help from locals, and that there wouldn’t be much for me to do from New Jersey. After reaching multiple dead ends, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a Facebook page dedicated to the Puffins. 
            I began the creation of the Puffin page with a brief description of what the Puffins are and where they live, what they eat, a brief introduction. They I began to make statuses as if I was in fact a Puffin, trying to make the page stand out from others.  I also posted a link to my blog that I made about my experience with finding and creating a Bird Project. On the Facebook page I also posted other links to websites about Puffins I found to be informative or interesting; some showed ways to get involved with saving the Puffins, or ways that others were helping out. All together I made 12 posts and acquired over 100 likes.
            For the blog I created, I named it “bird is da word” trying to make it sound catching and fun. Here I discussed and ranted about the problems I encountered while working on my project; from looking for an organization to getting people to actually look and “like” my page.  This was a very stressful process, since the majority of my grade for my Geography of the US and Canada was depending on my Bird Project.

Wrap Up

The semester is coming to a close, which means that it is time to put the final touches on my bird project. I did my project on the Puffins, researching them and making a Facebook page for all things puffins. It was a very stressful semester for me, since figuring out what my bird project was going to be seemed like an impossible task. But in the end, my Facebook page got a bunch of likes and its pretty informative. My goal for it is to transfer it to a bird group... I've been calling multiple organizations, so I'll keep you posted!!!
remember....BIRD IS THE WORD!!

Visit this page to learn about some pretty awesome kids doing some pretty awesome things for Puffins!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finding Friends

If anyone out there has any ideas on how to hack into peoples facebooks so I can physically make them like my "puffin" page, then please help me!!!!!!! Or just go to my page and like it yourself! :) Oh and as always remember... bird is the word!

Monday, November 28, 2011

gobble gobble!

Thanksgiving weekend is finally and I'm stuffed to the gills and its back to the weekly grind. I updated my puffin page on Facebook to give my likers some more info about the adorable puffins! I'm trying to harass more people to like my page but it is tough work! I must have sent out invites to all my Facebook friends at least 4 times and so far I only have 9 people liking it. It is so pathetic. And when I confront them about it they claim to not get the invite or that  they will accept it later. It's not that annoying of a page with status updates 5times a day! I try to keep it to a once a week thing, so I'm not completely annoying my 9 friends! It's pitiful :( Next week I hope to double my numbers!!! Wish my luck....and always remember.....BIRD IS DA WORRRRRRD!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

oh bird, where art thou?

Chirp! Chirp! So mother nature is hating us here in New Jersey this week, and many people are still powerless from the snow storm up in the north of the state...suckers! Just another reason its better to live down in South Jersey! I hope you all had a safe and Happy Halloween! Mine would have been much better if someone would contact me about doing a bird project! I am still calling obsessively, and actually getting nervous that I will get a restraining order against me... wait can you do that even if your multiple states away? hmmm.. I sure hope not. I'm beginning to think that people really just don't want my help. Well enough is enough. I have decided to take matters into my own hands.... wait for it....wait for it... yep I'm gonna make a wittle birdy Facebook! details to follow! so stay tuned. and remember...bird is the word!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bird Project 2011

Okay so for one of my classes this semester at Rowan University, we were assigned to get involved with some sort of a bird project located in a specific region we picked out of a hat (what kind of hat I don't remember). But back to more important and studious things; I desperately am in need of a bird project for the North Atlantic Periphery, I know I bet no one knows where that I'm gonna tell you! It the northeast most part of the North American Continent and in Canada it is composed of New Foundland, Labrador, Novia Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick; in the U.S., Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and the northeast most part of New York State all make up the North Atlantic Periphery. I am having some serious issues finding a project in my region, and its making me super depressed, not like seasonal depression where the sun is missing from my life, but serious I just want to cry all day depression. I have been in contact with a few different organizations, and none of them have been able to help me. I mean I'm a willing volunteer and they are all turning me away! But I am determined to find some way to help put the birds up north. My grade is depending on it!!!!! So if anyone can help me out I would love you forever and ever. And remember.... bird is the word!