Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bird Project 2011

Okay so for one of my classes this semester at Rowan University, we were assigned to get involved with some sort of a bird project located in a specific region we picked out of a hat (what kind of hat I don't remember). But back to more important and studious things; I desperately am in need of a bird project for the North Atlantic Periphery, I know I bet no one knows where that I'm gonna tell you! It the northeast most part of the North American Continent and in Canada it is composed of New Foundland, Labrador, Novia Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick; in the U.S., Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and the northeast most part of New York State all make up the North Atlantic Periphery. I am having some serious issues finding a project in my region, and its making me super depressed, not like seasonal depression where the sun is missing from my life, but serious I just want to cry all day depression. I have been in contact with a few different organizations, and none of them have been able to help me. I mean I'm a willing volunteer and they are all turning me away! But I am determined to find some way to help put the birds up north. My grade is depending on it!!!!! So if anyone can help me out I would love you forever and ever. And remember.... bird is the word!

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